Major League



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2014 Major League Schedule Is Here!!!

(Download Printable Version of Your Schedule Here)

Volunteer Field Umpires

For the Major League

  • Minor league coaches umpire the bases for Major League games.
  • Major League coaches umpire the bases for the Minor League games.
  • MINOR League coaches should check the COACHES PAGE for their umpire schedule. 
  • Coaches should enlist the help of their assistant coaches and knowledgeable parents if they cannot perform their umpire duties.
  • Coaches should call the league commissioner if unforeseen circumstances prevent them from attending a game at the last minute.
Click HERE to see a printable version of the Major Schedule

Major League Registration

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Registration Form


Let's Play Ball!

Major League Information

The Major League plays on the field at the northwest corner of the concession stand, and consists of players at ages 11 and 12.  By the time a player gets to the Major League, his skills and abilities developed in Minor are benefiting from his increased size as a preteen.  The rules have changed to reflect their capability, and so has the size of the field.

 Pitchers and catchers are still playing their game of chess with the batters, but now the pitches can be sent down the middle more often, and with amazing speed.  The better pitchers can now place the ball, and some can pull off consistent curve balls and breaking pitches.  Once again, a quick catcher is needed behind the plate.

 Pitchers don't have all the advantage in Major.  Batters who struggled in Minor because of the inexperience of the pitchers, now have a chance to whack those strikes to the outfield.  Some of the boys will be strong enough to hit it to Lincoln Street with the right pitch.  The home run club in Major is usually a small one, however.

 Unique to the Major League is the choice to play on 60' long base paths or 70' long base paths.  Since the 70' trail was introduced in Cal Ripken League a few years ago, SSYB has used 70' bases in the Major League. Because both trails are available in the post-season, the choice will be made whether the 11- or 12-year-old all-star teams will play 60' Trail or 70' Trail based on a number of factors, not the least of which is what the competition is doing.

 The difference in rules between the 60' and 70' trails is mostly in stealing and leading off.  In the 60' trail there is no leading off, and runners may not steal until the ball crosses the plate.  In the 70' trail, stealing and leading off is allowed as in official baseball rules.  There are many exciting plays on the bases in the Major League, so a strong infield can really make a team.

 Games are governed by the Official Baseball Rules promulgated by Major League Baseball as modified by Cal Ripken League.  Rulebooks are available for each coach and there's a copy for review in the Concession Stand.

Refer to the Cal Ripken Tournament Rules and 

Official Baseball Rules for situations not covered here

They Call It The All American Sport for a Reason!!! 

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